Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Signs Your Dog Needs An Appointment At An Animal Hospital In South Arlington

Most people love their dogs the same way they love their children. When a child is sick, they can cry and tell their parents that they aren't feeling well. Dogs cannot do this, therefore, it is up to you to be able to recognize the signs that your dog needs an appointment at an Animal Hospital in South Arlington.

Excessive Thirst
On a hot day, it is not uncommon for dogs to drink more than usual. If it is not very hot outside and your dog is drinking more than usual, you should take him to an Animal Hospital in South Arlington. Dogs naturally produce a lot of saliva, therefore, they don't need to drink as much as humans do. If your dog is drinking a lot, it could be a sign of a kidney problem or diabetes.

Odd Eating Habits

If your dog is skipping meals for more than a day, you should take him to a facility who specializes in Pet Care in South Arlington. There are several diseases that can cause a dog to lose his appetite. To be on the safe side and to ease your mind, you should take him in for a checkup.

A Rough or Dry Coat

A healthy dog will have a coat of fur that is thick, soft, and shiny. If you notice that your dog's coat is dry or rough or if he has bald patches on his skin, you should take him to an Animal Hospital in South Arlington. He could be eating something that isn't agreeing with him. It could also be a skin disease or an allergy. The best way to get to the bottom of the problem is to take him to a facility who specializes in Pet Care in South Arlington.

Feeling Sluggish and Tired

If your dog seems more tired and sluggish than usual, it could be a sign of a problem. If he normally likes to play and go for walks and suddenly you cannot get him to do anything, you should take him to see a vet. Fatigue is normal on extremely hot days, however, if your dog seems more sluggish than usual for two days, he should be checked out.


It is normal for a dog to vomit more than humans as it is his way of getting something up that doesn't agree with him. If you notice that your dog is vomiting frequently, you should take him to the vet. Excessive vomiting can lead to your dog becoming dehydrated, which can be dangerous to his health. The sooner you figure out why he is vomiting, the sooner he can be treated.

Unusual Stools

When you take your dog for a walk, you should check his stools. It may sound gross but it is a good way to gauge your pet's health. If his stools are hard and dry, he could have dietary issues or he could be dehydrated. If he has diarrhea or blood or mucus in his stool, he should see a vet as soon as possible. Even the shape of his stools can indicate a problem such as worms.

Sudden Weight Loss

If your dog loses weight suddenly, you should take him to see a vet. Losing weight quickly and for no reason is a sign that he has a serious health condition. If a larger dog loses 10 percent of his body weight, it is cause for concern. For small dogs, losing just a pound is a sign that there is something wrong.

Since your dog cannot tell you when he is sick, it is up to you to recognize the signs that he needs medical treatment. The sooner he sees a vet, the sooner he can receive the treatment that he needs. For more information, visit http://www.mansfieldanimalclinic.com.

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